setting up a Nix S3 binary cache
Published 2020-07-15 on Farid Zakaria's Blog
If you just want a very easy-to-use binary cache, consider using cachix.
Nix is an amazing tool, however the learning curve can be very high. The online wiki has a lot of great documentation however I find it is often very geared towards NixOS specifically.
I wanted to better understand how to setup my own binary cache.
A binary cache builds Nix packages and caches the result for other machines. Any machine with Nix installed can be a binary cache for another one, no matter the operating system.
As mentioned above, there are a few solutions already offered in Nix:
- The default binary cache included with all Nix installations
- cachix: A sass product that has a great free tier as long as your caches are public.
- nix-serve: A perl standalone HTTP binary cache implementation.
- Any machine can be used as a cache through SSH protocol
I specifically wanted to document & explore Nix support for binary caching using AWS S3.
The following guide assumes you have an AWS account & have setup CLI credentials .
Our custom derivation
In order to test our new cache; we’ll create a derivation that is definitely not on nixpkgs; especially the default cache service.
Let’s create a slightly modified version of the GNU hello program.
Let’s save the below derivation in a file lolhello.nix.
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> { }, stdenv ? pkgs.stdenv, fetchurl ? pkgs.fetchurl }:
stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "lolhello";
src = fetchurl {
url = "mirror://gnu/hello/hello-2.3.tar.bz2";
sha256 = "0c7vijq8y68bpr7g6dh1gny0bff8qq81vnp4ch8pjzvg56wb3js1";
patchPhase = ''
sed -i 's/Hello, world!/hello, Nix!/g' src/hello.c
This guide isn’t meant to cover on how to write derivations, however hopefully this one is simple enough to follow along.
Since Nix is reproducible, the /nix/store path for the output of this derivation will always be /nix/store/95hmzgcfq0499l4ln72p3b4wv4smp9qw-lolhello.
Create a bucket
Le’s create a bucket at the moment to act as the root of our /nix/store.
I chose s3://fmzakari-nixcache
Generate Binary Cache Key
nix-store --generate-binary-cache-key fmzakari-nixcache \
cache-priv-key.pem cache-pub-key.pem
We will be utilizing Nix’s ability to validate that the contents of cached paths in the store through a cryptographic signature.
Build & Sign
# build it locally so it's present in /nix/store
nix-build --no-out-link lolhello.nix
# sign the /nix/store path
nix sign-paths --key-file cache-priv-key.pem \
$(nix-build --no-out-link lolhello.nix)
$(nix-build --no-out-link lolhello.nix)
is just a quick way to return the nix/store/ output path /nix/store/95hmzgcfq0499l4ln72p3b4wv4smp9qw-lolhello.
# upload the contents to your S3
nix copy --to s3://fmzakari-nixcache $(nix-build --no-out-link lolhello.nix)
Purge the local store
# This deletes the /nix/store paths & the database entries
nix-store --delete $(nix-build --no-out-link lolhello.nix)
Build (from the cache!)
nix-build --no-out-link lolhello.nix
these paths will be fetched (0.03 MiB download, 0.18 MiB unpacked):
> /nix/store/95hmzgcfq0499l4ln72p3b4wv4smp9qw-lolhello
> copying path '/nix/store/95hmzgcfq0499l4ln72p3b4wv4smp9qw-lolhello' from 's3://fmzakari-nixcache'...
> /nix/store/95hmzgcfq0499l4ln72p3b4wv4smp9qw-lolhello
# run the modified hello after it was pulled from the cache
> hello, Nix!
If you wanted to avoid having to add the --option
for nix-store or even have the caching work with nix-build, the ~/.config/nix/nix.conf file will have to updated.
Here are the contents for the same s3 cache used above however placed within the nix.conf.
substituters = s3://fmzakari-nixcache
trusted-public-keys =
There doesn’t seem to be a simple programmatic way to update nix.conf; so you’ll have to hand edit or sed :)
Using S3 was surprising a pretty straightforward way to achieve a personal binary cache; although distributing the public keys are a bit of a hassle.
Biggest pain points though seem to be:
- Not a simple way to programmatically update the nix.conf file for the new binary caches.
- Somewhat scary if you’d like to have multiple contributors to your new binary cache by sharing the single private key.
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