mvn2nix; welcoming Maven into Nix's warm embrace
Published 2020-09-04 on Farid Zakaria's Blog
I wrote previously about the current state of affairs for Java packaging in the Nix ecosystem; including a little blurb at the end about a little project I have been working on.
I would like to announce a beta release for mvn2nix.
You find the similar announcement on
Easily package your Maven Java application with the Nix package manager.
mvn2nix is my attempt & re-imagining of what a lock file type Nix Java ecosystem should look like.
⚠️ mvn2nix is seeing active development. Please pin the commit to avoid any breaking changes.
Philosophical Goals
- is written in Java itself;
- is self-bootstrapped; it builds itself!
- very easy to understand derivations
- lots of documentation
- examples on how to produce a runnable JAR
You can easily run mvn2nix using nix run.
$ nix run -f \
--command mvn2nix
Doing so on a Maven project with a pom.xml will produce lock file contents.
$ nix run -f \
--command mvn2nix > mvn2nix-lock.json
$ head mvn2nix-lock.json
"dependencies": {
"org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter:jar:5.6.2": {
"layout": "org/junit/jupiter/junit-jupiter/5.6.2/junit-jupiter-5.6.2.jar",
"sha256": "dfc0d870dec4c5428a126ddaaa987bdaf8026cc27270929c9f26d52f3030ac61",
"url": ""
"org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:3.0.15": {
"layout": "org/codehaus/plexus/plexus-utils/3.0.15/plexus-utils-3.0.15.pom",
"sha256": "b4fe0bed469e2e973c661b4b7647db374afee7bda513560e96cd780132308f0b",
"url": ""
The contents of this file are the full transitive dependency closure for your Maven; including every dependency needed to get to the desired lifecycle (defaults to package).
You can then use this to download all the necessary dependencies to re-run the same lifecycle with Maven offline!
Building a Maven Repository
mvn2nix includes a simple derivation that creates a symlink join of every dependency found in the lock file.
let mvn2nix = import (fetchTarball { };
mvn2nix.buildMavenRepositoryFromLockFile { file = ./mvn2nix-lock.json; }
This creates a /nix/store path which is a Maven repository that can be used, such as in mvn package --offline -Dmaven.repo.local=${mavenRepository}
$ tree /nix/store/0ylsqi62jqz5gqf0dqrz5a3hj3jrzrwx-mvn2nix-repository | head
├── com
│ └── google
│ ├── code
│ │ └── findbugs
│ │ └── jsr305
│ │ └── 3.0.2
│ │ └── jsr305-3.0.2.jar -> /nix/store/w20lb1dk730v77qis8l6sjqpljwkyql7-jsr305-3.0.2.jar
│ ├── errorprone
│ │ └── error_prone_annotations
A simple derivation to invoke Maven now becomes
mkDerivation rec {
pname = "my-artifact";
version = "0.01";
name = "${pname}-${version}";
src = lib.cleanSource ./.;
buildInputs = [ jdk11_headless maven makeWrapper ];
buildPhase = ''
echo "Building with maven repository ${mavenRepository}"
mvn package --offline -Dmaven.repo.local=${mavenRepository}
Runnable JAR
Executing maven is pretty simple now; but ultimately it would be great to get a runnable target.
If you’ve used Maven in the past you might look to re-using Maven Assembly Plugin, Maven Shade Plugin or Capsule Maven Plugin; the problem however is these solutions don’t take advantage of the fact that the dependencies are already in the store!
Setup your maven-jar-plugin to create a manifest which expects the Maven repository layout.
The installPhase of our derivation now merely needs to link the lib directory to our mavenRepository built with mvn2nix.
installPhase = ''
# create the bin directory
mkdir -p $out/bin
# create a symbolic link for the lib directory
ln -s ${repository} $out/lib
# copy out the JAR
# Maven already setup the classpath to use m2 repository layout
# with the prefix of lib/
cp target/${name}.jar $out/
# create a wrapper that will automatically set the classpath
# this should be the paths from the dependency derivation
makeWrapper ${jdk}/bin/java $out/bin/${pname} \
--add-flags "-jar $out/${name}.jar" \
--set M2_HOME ${maven} \
--set JAVA_HOME ${jdk}
🎆 We now have a runnable JAR! Using the dependencies from the /nix/store! 🎆
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