A minimal nix-shell

Published 2021-08-02 on Farid Zakaria's Blog

We are currently using nix-shell to create a reproducible environment for our developers and CI infrastructure. Can we minimize the dependency closure to make our CI jobs faster?

If you are familiar with Nix, undoubtedly you have come across nix-shell. Originally designed to help debug a failing deriviation by entering the user into a shell, it has quickly become a beloved way to create reproducible developer environments via mkShell.

mkShell is a special kind of derivation that is only useful when using it combined with nix-shell. It will in fact fail to instantiate when invoked with nix-build.

mkShell however comes with a predefined set of dependencies via the standard build environment (stdenv).

Let’s look at an empty mkShell and explore the transitive closure.

  nixpkgs = import (builtins.fetchTarball {
    name = "nixos-unstable-2020-09-24";
    url =
    sha256 = "0vhajylsmipjkm5v44n2h0pglcmpvk4mkyvxp7qfvkjdxw21dyml";
  }) { };
in nixpkgs.mkShell {
  name = "basic-shell";
  buildInputs = [ ];
  shellHook = ''

We can even visualize the dependency closure using graphviz.

nix-store --query --graph $(nix-build --no-out-link -A inputDerivation basic-shell.nix) 

basic nix-shell

There is quite a lot there including GCC and we see the total closure size is ~270MiB.

❯ nix path-info --closure-size --human-readable $(nix-build --no-out-link -A inputDerivation basic-shell.nix)

/nix/store/zg33vr1apaq341c9bdfbhlwbp8l22qm6-basic-shell	 268.3M

Let’s see how much better we can do with mkShellNoCC.

  nixpkgs = import (builtins.fetchTarball {
    name = "nixos-unstable-2020-09-24";
    url =
    sha256 = "0vhajylsmipjkm5v44n2h0pglcmpvk4mkyvxp7qfvkjdxw21dyml";
  }) { };
in nixpkgs.mkShellNoCC {
  name = "shell-no-cc";
  buildInputs = [ ];
  shellHook = ''

nix-shell without compiler

Looks like we are down to ~53MiB

❯ nix path-info --closure-size --human-readable $(nix-build --no-out-link -A inputDerivation shell-no-cc.nix).
/nix/store/7afg0p2kyc8qb5a0nv7mlvpf1mbpqkdx-shell-no-cc	  53.5M

🕵️ Can we do better?

Thank you to siraben via Matrix to help share some of the following derivation.

Let’s strip everything in nix-shell aside from coreutils.

  nixpkgs = import (builtins.fetchTarball {
    name = "nixos-unstable-2020-09-24";
    url =
    sha256 = "0vhajylsmipjkm5v44n2h0pglcmpvk4mkyvxp7qfvkjdxw21dyml";
  }) { };
  stdenvMinimal = nixpkgs.stdenvNoCC.override {
    cc = null;
    preHook = "";
    allowedRequisites = null;
    initialPath = nixpkgs.lib.filter
      (a: nixpkgs.lib.hasPrefix "coreutils" a.name)
    extraNativeBuildInputs = [ ];
  minimalMkShell = nixpkgs.mkShell.override {
    stdenv = stdenvMinimal;
in minimalMkShell {
  name = "minimal-shell";
  buildInputs = [ ];
  shellHook = ''

nix-shell without compiler

💥 Looks like it’s down to 34MiB 💥

❯ nix path-info --closure-size --human-readable $(nix-build --no-out-link -A inputDerivation minimal-shell.nix)
/nix/store/2msg7r8gd7ydwmr33a9nrrjnar7wywxh-minimal-shell	  34.9M

Awesome, we’ve just reduced the closure-size by ~7.7x !

🧐 Most of that space is due to glibc i8n & locales.

du -h /nix/store/j5p0j1w27aqdzncpw73k95byvhh5prw2-glibc-2.33-47 | sort -rh | head -n 10
33M	/nix/store/j5p0j1w27aqdzncpw73k95byvhh5prw2-glibc-2.33-47
17M	/nix/store/j5p0j1w27aqdzncpw73k95byvhh5prw2-glibc-2.33-47/share/i18n
17M	/nix/store/j5p0j1w27aqdzncpw73k95byvhh5prw2-glibc-2.33-47/share
16M	/nix/store/j5p0j1w27aqdzncpw73k95byvhh5prw2-glibc-2.33-47/lib
13M	/nix/store/j5p0j1w27aqdzncpw73k95byvhh5prw2-glibc-2.33-47/share/i18n/locales
8.7M	/nix/store/j5p0j1w27aqdzncpw73k95byvhh5prw2-glibc-2.33-47/lib/gconv
3.4M	/nix/store/j5p0j1w27aqdzncpw73k95byvhh5prw2-glibc-2.33-47/share/i18n/charmaps
1.8M	/nix/store/j5p0j1w27aqdzncpw73k95byvhh5prw2-glibc-2.33-47/lib/locale
304K	/nix/store/j5p0j1w27aqdzncpw73k95byvhh5prw2-glibc-2.33-47/share/locale
128K	/nix/store/j5p0j1w27aqdzncpw73k95byvhh5prw2-glibc-2.33-47/libexec

Can we do even better?

Unfortunately not at this time. Removing coreutils from the closure, causes the basic builder to fail since it no longer can find mkdir.

❯ nix-shell minimal-shell.nix --pure
these derivations will be built:
building '/nix/store/4gw7ly8hicaw5895370ylmrdhz9l4y9d-stdenv-linux.drv'...
/nix/store/dsyj1sp3h8q2wwi8m6z548rvn3bmm3vc-builder.sh: line 7: mkdir: command not found
builder for '/nix/store/4gw7ly8hicaw5895370ylmrdhz9l4y9d-stdenv-linux.drv' failed with exit code 127

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