Making RUNPATH redundant for Nix
Published 2022-09-12 on Farid Zakaria's Blog
This post is a direct translation of Harmen Stoppel’s blog on the same subject for Nix. He has also contributed a fix to Spack.
Please check out for my solution for the Nix ecosystem.
Nix and other store-like systems (i.e. Guix or Spack), resolve all their dependencies within their store (/nix/store) to enforce hermiticity. They leverage for the most part RUNPATH which is a field on the ELF executable to instruct the dynamic linker where to discover the libraries – as opposed to searching default search paths like /lib.
❯ which ruby
❯ patchelf --print-rpath $(which ruby)
I have a paper about to published for SuperComputing 2022 (please reach out if you’d like early copy) that demonstrates there is a non-trivial cost to continuously searching needlessly through the RUNPATH. In fact, I have written previously about the specific costs and our tool Shrinkwrap that can avoid it.
Although Shrinkwrap is one approach for a solution, it is merely a bandaid over the existing problem.
Can systems like Nix do more to solve this problem?
Nix and similar systems have the benefit of knowing ahead of time the exact path for every dependency. They are also particularly well positioned to make deep impactful changes because they rebuild the world bottom up, starting from libc.
Although these systems are radical departures from traditional Linux distributions and try to rebel against the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, they nevertheless rely on fundamental tooling and control knobs such as RUNPATH to bandaid over the solution.
🧐 Let’s make the use of RUNPATH in Nix obsolete and unnecessary.
We can do this through the observation that GCC will propagate the soname stored in the library into the DT_NEEDED entry of the upstream binary. That means that if our soname happens to be an absolute path, such as a /nix/store entry, it will get set for the DT_NEEDED and searching through RUNPATH will be unnecessary. 🎆
Here is a small example to demonstrate
# Let's build our library with an absolute path for soname
# notice I have set the soname to an absolute path
❯ gcc -shared -o -Wl,-soname,/nix/store/znxycsxlnx2s9zn6g0s0fl4z57ar7aps-libf-0.1/lib/ -x c - <<EOF
#include <stdio.h>
void f() { puts("hello world"); }
❯ patchelf --print-soname
# now build the application that relies on it
❯ gcc -o app -lf -L. -x c - <<EOF
void f();
int main() { f(); }
❯ patchelf --print-needed app
Nothing of the above cannot be done during the building of a library automatically within Nix and specifically Nixpkgs. During build time, the store path is known ($out) and it can be set for the soname.
Ideally, I believe a deep fix for Nixpkgs is possible by altering the ld-wrapper to correctly set the soname which will be picked up for every derivation built with stdenv.
Unfortunately since I am not a bash Guru, I opted for a fix similar to autopatchelf – nix-harden-needed.
It is a Nix stdenv setuphook that will automatically call patchelf to set the soname to the correct value – their absolute path. This means that the DT_NEEDED entry for any binary upstream that relies on it will leverage the absolute path and avoid the costly lookup through RUNPATH.
It’s incredibly easy to use, you simply have to add it as a build input to your derivation. Let’s revisit the above example using the setup-hook.
let libf = stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "libf";
version = "0.1";
dontUnpack = true;
buildInputs = [
buildPhase = ''
# Enable if you'd like to see wrapper debug information
$CC -shared -o -Wl,-soname, -x c - <<EOF
#include <stdio.h>
void f() { puts("hello world"); }
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/lib
mv $out/lib
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "app";
version = "0.1";
dontUnpack = true;
buildInputs = [
buildPhase = ''
# Enable if you'd like to see wrapper debug information
$CC -o app -lf -x c - <<EOF
void f();
int main() { f(); }
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
mv app $out/bin
The built binary will correctly have the DT_NEEDED set to the absolute path of the shared object file.
❯ patchelf --print-needed /nix/store/6pg9d3lwlmgcmmswv937fcy211vkqxch-app-0.1/bin/app
❯ patchelf --print-soname /nix/store/zir4jfm86i3037lnsaz5br55iwavvhpz-libf-0.1/lib/
I believe systems such as Nix have ushered a new paradigm shift of thinking about software and there is immense opportunity to go beyond the current limitations and tooling.
🙇 Everything can be re-thought and re-imagined.
Please reach out if you are a bash guru and we can work together to apply a deeper fix to Nixpkgs of the above ideas.
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