Bazel Knowledge: reproducible outputs
Published 2024-09-26 on Farid Zakaria's Blog
You might hear a lot of about how Bazel is “reproducible” and “hermetic”, but what does that even mean ? 😕
Part of what makes Bazel incredibly fast is it effectively skips work by foregoing doing portions of the graph if the inputs have not changed.
Let’s consider this simple action graph in Bazel.
Bazel constructs an action key for each action which we can simplify down to constituting: the Starlark of the action itself & the SHA256 of the outputs of all the dependencies (i.e. srcs or deps).
Let’s consider a change to File D, which would mean that the action key for Action C now differs.
At this point Bazel will decide to rerun Action C and will produce an output SHA256-C.
If the SHA256-C is the exact same as before, Bazel will forgoe executing Action A again. 🤯
How often does this happen in practice? 🤔 A ton! Consider changes to comments that don’t effect the output. Bazel also considers the output hash on the target’s ABI, so in the case of C++ that might constitute the header files and in Java they strip out all private methods to create an “interface jar” (ijar).
Watch out though, if you use genrule you can find yourself easily producing outputs that are not reproducible if nothing changes which will kill this pruning of the action graph.
Let’s look at an example.
name = "output_zip",
outs = [""],
cmd = """
echo 'Hello, World!' > hello.txt && \\
zip hello.txt && mv $@
name = "hello_text",
srcs = [":output_jar"],
outs = ["hello.txt"],
cmd = """
unzip $(location :output_jar) hello.txt -d $(GENDIR) \\
&& mv $(GENDIR)/hello.txt $@
This is a very simple setup where I’m producing a ZIP file and in the final target unzipping it.
ZIP files unfortunately are normally non-reproducible because they include modification timestamp information embedded in them & the order the files are included are non-ordered.
Let’s build this with Bazel. We will use the execlog to view all the actions that were processed.
The execlog is an output file that is generated of all the actions Bazel undertook. We simply select the targetLabel to view the actions executed.
> bazel --ignore_all_rc_files build //:hello_text \
> cat /tmp/exec.log.json | jq .targetLabel
Now let’s delete the file by doing rm bazel-bin/
re-run Bazel.
> bazel --ignore_all_rc_files build //:hello_text \
> cat /tmp/exec.log.json | jq .targetLabel
Both targets are still being run! 😢
Fortunately, there are a few alternatives we can use such as rules_pkg or @bazel_tools//tools/zip:zipper that has support for creating ZIP archive format in a reproducible way.
Let’s modify our code now to use @bazel_tools//tools/zip:zipper
name = "output_zip",
outs = [""],
cmd = """
echo 'Hello, World!' > hello.txt && \\
$(location @bazel_tools//tools/zip:zipper) c $@ hello.txt
tools = ["@bazel_tools//tools/zip:zipper"],
name = "hello_text",
srcs = [":output_zip"],
outs = ["hello.txt"],
cmd = """
unzip $(location :output_zip) hello.txt -d $(GENDIR) \\
&& mv $(GENDIR)/hello.txt $@
We’ve effectively done the same thing as before, but we are being more mindful about creating our output to be reproducible if the inputs are the same.
> rm bazel-bin/
override r-xr-xr-x fzakaria/wheel for bazel-bin/ y
> bazel --ignore_all_rc_files build //:hello_text \
> cat /tmp/exec.log.json | jq .targetLabel
🙌 YES! As expected we now only re-run the output_zip action and the final action can be skipped.
We now have our graph reproducible in a way that can help Bazel give us incremental rebuilds by skipping portions of the graph. 🥳
If reproducible builds interest you, I highly recommend you check out the wealth of information on the subject by the Reproducible Builds Group. They’ve documented all the various intricate ways they discovered software builds introduce nondeterminism into the build.
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