Minor improvements
Hasn't been a while since I've written a blog post and this one will be pretty short. I've recently submitted a small push to my HypeMachine-Extension. The commit includes:
- General code cleanlyness (so people can learn/understand better what it's doing)
- Added Google Analytics to see how many songs are being downloaded in general.
- Added download attribute so that the song automatically downloads when you click the button!
I think the best reason to grab the latest changes is for the download on click fix, which also sets the name of the file download to the "title - artist.mp3"
Open Questions
Ideas for Metrics?
I'd love to hear ideas on some neat Google Analytics people would like to see tracked. I'll be publishing the metrics I'm tracking now once I get enough data!
Google Chrome Store ?
Does anyone know enough of copyright law/trademark infringement to help me understand whether I can safely re-publish the extension to the Google Chrome Store?