Try #2: Fixing download name
Published 2014-08-13 on Farid Zakaria's Blog
Let's get straight to the point; I believe I have finally fixed the download name issue. You can download the latest fix in the chrome-bug-373182 branch; simply download the zip
For those curious who have been tracking the Chrome bug; I thought the issue was unsolvable as the latest fix has caused any cross-origin requests to not respect the download attribute (except for data URIs). I had nevertheless believed I had fixed it earlier because when testing some downloads (from the popular page) I only attempted the first page of songs loaded. The glaring problem however was that the songs loaded upon scrolling down were not receiving the jQuery on event (even with the delegation syntax!). My solution at the moment, is simply to unbind all event handlers for the array key and re-bind them upon any ajax completion. This isn't the greatest solution but it works!
Perhaps someone can help me fix it so that it uses jQuery's delegation event handling properly...
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