Farid Zakaria

Software Engineer


Exceptional Software Engineer looking to continue my experience in fast-paced, energetic, and innovative companies. I love all facets of technology and have a strong passion for the web, games, audio/visual, distributed systems and cyrpto currencies. I am highly motivated, a quick learner, and an eager engineer with a strong focus on robust, well-designed, and documented code.

Technically Strong

  • JVM Languages (Java/Scala/Kotlin/Clojure)
  • C/C++
  • Go / Python
  • Cloud Service infrastructure (AWS) / CICD
  • Advanced Debugging Techniques
  • Multithreading / Concurrency paradigms
  • Developer Operations (monitoring, alarming, oncall)
  • Scalable Architecture
  • Web Services (SOA / RPC)

Technically Proficient

  • Unix / Linux
  • HTML/CSS/JavaScript Frontend (React)
  • RDBMS SQL - Postgrs / Oracle
  • Docker / Contains
  • Linear algebra (3D math)
  • Web Frameworks (multiple languages)
  • eBPF
  • Perforce / Git / SVN
  • Build tools (ant / maven / gradle / Buck / Bazel)



Replaced a custom kernel module with one written in eBPF to do a modified MPLoUDP encap/decap solution based on Google's Maglev whitepaper.

Low Level

Implemented a compiler from scratch in Python for a substantial subset of Java and a small real time operating system in C.


Implemented a raytracer from scratch which demonstrates many basic graphic principles.


Google Cloud Platform - Looker

Senior Software Engineer

11/2019 - Present

Overseeing & leading the Persistent Derived Table subsystem for the Looker product. Augmented the system to build CTAS in parallel & incrementally through the use of MERGE DDL. Various operational improvements include integrating distributed tracing (OpenZipkin), BigQuery automated testing & reproducible development environments through the aide of NixOS.

Oracle - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Principal Member of Technical Staff

05/2018 - 11/2019

Core member of the ObjectStorage team -- blob storage -- for Oracle's BareMetal cloud rebranded Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Worked on various fetaures in order to drive adoption while helping move the service/platform from LimitedAvailability (LA) to GeneralAvailability (GA) with a strong focus on operations. Spent time working deep in kernel writing an eBPF filter and associated tooling to deliver a MPLSoUDP solution based on Google's Maglev whitepaper.

Oracle - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Senior Member of Technical Staff

07/2016 - 05/2018

iTunes - Apple Inc

Senior Software Engineer

10/2015 - 07/2016

RDS - Amazon / AWS

Software Development Engineer II

10/2013 - 10/2015


Software Development Engineer

05/2012 - 10/2013


Software Engineer 2

05/2011 - 05/2012

Capcom Games Vancouver

Software Engineer (intern)

09/2010 - 01/2011

Digital Extremes

Video Game Programmer (intern)

01/2010 - 05/2010

Christie Digital Systems

Software Developer (intern)

05/2009 - 09/2009


Technical Development Engineer (intern)

09/2008 - 01/2009


Software Test Associate (intern)

01/2008 - 05/2009


Component Quality Engineer (intern)

05/2007 - 09/2007


University of Waterloo - Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Bachelor of Software Engineer — 2011

Farid Zakaria — farid.m.zakaria@gmail.com — (916) - 849-6418