setting up a Nix Google Cloud Storage (GCS) binary cache
Published 2021-06-22 on Farid Zakaria's Blog
A previous post documented how to setup a binary cache directly on S3. Many however are tied to a different public IaaS offering and may not be able to leverage the native S3 integration Nix offers. Luckily for those using GCP, Google’s blob storage equivalent Google Cloud Storage (GCS) has interoperability with the S3 API.
This will allow us to host our binary cache on GCS while still using the native S3 integration in Nix. Following this guide will allow Nix to leverage GCS without having to use a proxy such as nix-store-gcs-proxy.
The following guide will assume some familiarity with the GCP ecosystem. You may want to follow best practices for reducing IAM roles and service account management.
- Let’s create a bucket for us to store the Nix binary artifacts.
❯ gsutil mb gs://nix-cache-testing Creating gs://nix-cache-testing/... # Validate it exists ❯ gsutil du -s gs://nix-cache-testing 0 gs://nix-cache-testing
- Create a service account.
❯ gcloud iam service-accounts create nix-cache-testing \ > --description="Service account for Nix GCS cache" \ > --display-name="Nix GCS Service Account" Created service account [nix-cache-testing]. # Validate it exists ❯ gcloud iam service-accounts list DISPLAY NAME EMAIL DISABLED Nix GCS Service Account False
- Create an hmac for use with S3 API.
- Attach an appropriate IAM role to the service account.
❯ gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding my-project \ --member="" \ --role="roles/storage.admin" --condition=None
- Set the credentials anywhere the that works for the AWS CLI.
I’ve chosen to do it in the
within a profile named gcp.❯ cat ~/.aws/credentials [gcp] aws_access_key_id = GOOGTS7C7FUP3AIRVJTE2BCDKINBTES3HC2GY5CBFJDCQ2SYHV6A6XXVTJFSA aws_secret_access_key = <SCRUBBED OUT FOR SECURITY>
Try the aws CLI and validate everything works.
You can avoid setting the endpoint-url if you use the awscli-plugin-endpoint.
❯ aws s3 ls --profile gcp --endpoint-url 2021-06-22 09:04:24 nix-cache-testing
🙌 Woohoo! We’ve just setup basic interoperability for GCS behaving like the S3 API. Let’s see if the interopt is good enough to fool the API Nix relies on.
Let’s create a really basic derivation (lolhello.nix) we will be using to test.
For brevity, I’m not pinning my nixpkgs channel, but that practice is recommended.
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> { }, stdenv ? pkgs.stdenv, fetchurl ? pkgs.fetchurl }:
stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "lolhello";
src = fetchurl {
url = "mirror://gnu/hello/hello-2.3.tar.bz2";
sha256 = "0c7vijq8y68bpr7g6dh1gny0bff8qq81vnp4ch8pjzvg56wb3js1";
patchPhase = ''
sed -i 's/Hello, world!/hello, Nix!/g' src/hello.c
Let’s build it. 🏗️
❯ nix-build lolhello.nix --no-out-link
Now let’s try to upload it to our GCS bucket via the S3 integration in Nix.
❯ nix copy $(nix-build lolhello.nix --no-out-link) \
--to "s3://nix-cache-testing?endpoint="
# Check it's been uploaded
❯ aws s3 ls nix-cache-testing --profile=gcp --endpoint-url
PRE nar/
2021-06-22 12:09:42 476 czf8l5nlp2kaag96hb42qvqd85glr8f8.narinfo
# Check it using the gsutil also
❯ gsutil ls gs://nix-cache-testing
Now let’s delete it from our system.
❯ nix-store --delete /nix/store/czf8l5nlp2kaag96hb42qvqd85glr8f8-lolhello
Now let’s try to build it, using our substituter. We will also disable building locally to verify everything is working correctly.
I disabled verifying the signatures for now for simplicity of the demo. Please see my previous post on how to add signatures.
❯ nix-build lolhello.nix --no-out-link --builders '' -j0 \
--option substituters "s3://nix-cache-testing?endpoint=" \
--option require-sigs false
these paths will be fetched (0.03 MiB download, 0.18 MiB unpacked):
copying path '/nix/store/czf8l5nlp2kaag96hb42qvqd85glr8f8-lolhello' from 's3://nix-cache-testing'...
🎉 Nice! That was surprisingly straightforward to setup GCS as our Nix binary cache pretending to be S3.
📣 Shoutout to my colleague Micah Catlin who did a proof of concept originally and introduced me to the interoperability support of GCS.
Originally I spent quite a while trying the demo above with a different demo derivation that used a trivial builder.
let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "ping"
echo "pong"
I could not figure out why it was not substituting from my binary cache though! 😫 Turns out that some of the trivial builders disable realization from a store and prefer locally building.
That was quite a bit of wasted time investigating…
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