Bazel Knowledge: What's an Interface JAR?
Published 2024-10-29 on Farid Zakaria's Blog
I spent the day working through an upgrade of our codebase at $DAYJOB$ to Java21 and hit Bazel issue#24138 as a result of an incorrectly produced hjar
WTF is an hjar
☝️ It is the newer version of ijar
WTF is an ijar
Let’s discover what an ijar
(Interface JAR) is and how it’s the magic sauce that makes Bazel so fast for Java.
Let’s consider a simple Makefile
program: main.o utils.o
$(CC) -o program main.o utils.o
main.o: main.c utils.h
$(CC) -c main.c
utils.o: utils.c utils.h
$(CC) -c utils.c
We’ve been taught to make use of header files, especially in C/C++ so that we can avoid recompilation as a form of early cutoff optimization.
☝️ If we change utils.c
solely, we do not have to recompile main.o
We can visualize this Makefile in the following graph.
Ok, great! What does this have to do with Java & Bazel ?
Well, let’s remember back to my previous post on reproducible outputs.
Bazel constructs a similar graph to determine when to do early cutoff optimization through the “Action Key”. Bazel computes a hash for each action, that takes dependencies for instance, and if the hash hasn’t changed it can memoize the work.
In Java-world, dependencies are expressed as JARs.
Wouldn’t private-only changes to a dependency (i.e. renaming a private variable) cause the Action Key HASH to change (since it produced a different JAR) ?
🤓 YES! That is why we need an ijar
is a tool found within the Bazel repository bazel/third_party/ijar.
You can build and run it fairly simple with Bazel
$ bazel run //third_party/ijar
Usage: ijar [-v] [--[no]strip_jar] [--target label label] [--injecting_rule_kind kind] x.jar [x_interface.j
Creates an interface jar from the specified jar file.
It’s purpose is straightforward. The tool strips all non-public information from the JAR. For example, it throws away:
- Files whose name does not end in “.class”.
- All executable method code.
- All private methods and fields.
- All constants and attributes except the minimal set necessary to describe the class interface.
- All debugging information (LineNumberTable, SourceFile, LocalVariableTables attributes).
The end result is something in spirit to a C/C++ header file.
Let’s see it in practice. 🕵️
Let’s now create an incredibly simple JAR. It will have a single class file within it.
public class Banana {
public void peel() {
System.out.println("Peeling the banana...");
private void squish() {
System.out.println("Squish! The banana got squashed.");
We compile it like usual.
$ javac
$ jar cf banana.jar Banana.class
When we run ijar
on it we get the hash e18e0ae82bdc4deb04f04aa
⚠️ I shortened the hashes to make them more legible.
$ bazel-bin/third_party/ijar/ijar banana.jar
$ sha256sum banana.jar
f813749013ea6aba2e00876 banana.jar
$ sha256sum banana-interface.jar
e18e0ae82bdc4deb04f04aa banana-interface.jar
Let’s now change the internals of the Banana class; let’s rename the method squish()
-> squash()
Let’s recompute the new sha256.
$ sha256sum banana.jar
9278282827ddb55c68eb370 banana.jar
$ sha256sum banana-interface.jar
e18e0ae82bdc4deb04f04aa banana-interface.jar
🤯 Although the hash of banana.jar had changed, we still get e18e0ae82bdc4deb04f04aa for the ijar.
We now the equivalent of a header file for Java code. 🙌
Bazel will use the ijar
when computing the Action Key hash in lieu of the JAR for the dependencies you may depend on; thus avoiding costly rebuilds when only private information changes within your dependency.
This is the amazing lesser known tool that makes Bazel super-powered 🦸 for JVM languages.
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